Standard sea level (SSL) (also known as sea level standard (SLS)) defines a set of conditions for physical calculations. The term "standard sea level" is used to indicate that values of properties are to be taken to be the same as those standard at sea level, and is done to define values for use in general calculations.

Atmospheric properties

Standard sea level

At SSL some atmospheric properties are:

  • Pressure, P = 101.325 kPa = 2116.2 lbf/ft2 = 14.696 lbf/in2
  • Density, = 1.225 kg/m3  = 0.002377  slug/ft3
  • Temperature, T = 288.15 K = 518.67 °R
  • Gas constant of air, Rair = 287.057 m2/(s2·K) = 1716.59  ft2/(s2·°R)
  • Specific Weight, = 12.014 N/m3 = 0.07647 lbf/ft3
  • Dynamic viscosity, = 1.789×10âˆ'5 Pa·s = 3.737×10âˆ'7 slug/(s·ft)
  • Acceleration of gravity at sea level, g0 = 9.807 m/s2 = 32.174 ft/s2

See also

Standard sea level
  • Mean sea level
  • Current sea level rise
  • Standard temperature and pressure


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